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Adele stops smoking and starts exercising, reports say

Luke Vincent | 00:54 | 0 comments

British singer Adele is starting a new training regime to drop two dress sizes before the summer, The Sun reported Monday.
Her fitness drive follows a health scare last year, when she had to have surgery on her vocal cords.
Related: Adele's doctor describes vocal cord surgery
The 23-year-old starlet already quit smoking and is working out with a personal trainer twice a week at home.

Related: Celebs who quit smoking

Adele also took up Pilates after British comedian pal Alan Carr recommended it to her. They are even planning to go running together with their dogs.
A source said, "Adele has found so much more energy now she's quit smoking. She really wants to get healthier, now that she's half way there. She had always been curious about taking up Pilates, but until recently there just hadn't been any time."
Only last month German designer Karl Lagerfeld sparked outrage when he accused Adele of being "a little too fat."

But although she is keen to shed a few pounds, she has been telling pals she does not want any weight loss to give the wrong impression to her female fans. In the past she has been very vocal about her figure, insisting she did not need to be stick-thin to feel good about herself.
In an interview earlier this year, she said: "I've never seen magazine covers or music videos and been like, 'I need to look like that to be a success.'

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